

We accept no responsibility for any damage caused to you, your property, software or data, as a result of using our website.

While we try to keep information accurate and up-to-date, we accept no responsibility for problems arising from the data contained within our website. The information it presents and the functionality it provides is used and relied on at your own risk.

Links to and from our website

We often use links to transfer you seamlessly between the pages of our website and those of external websites.

We do this where we consider those websites to be relevant, useful or suitable to you. Usually, those websites will provide links back to our website too.

We cannot be held responsible for any material contained on those external websites and we don’t accept any liability in connection with any information or services they provide. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over the availability of the linked pages and don’t necessarily endorse the views or decisions in them.

Content on our website

We occasionally contract other companies to provide some of our online services.

Where we do, we make this clear to you and there may be additional terms and conditions governing the use of their websites. These additional terms will be available on their websites, supplied directly by the provider and must be adhered to in order to use their services.

Whilst we try to ensure that their information isn’t illegal, offensive or defamatory, we can’t accept any liability for any consequences that may arise.


All rights on this website and its contents, including copyright and database rights, are owned by or licensed to Horizon Community College. The site may only be used in accordance with:

Public notices, and press statements on this website may be reproduced free of charge, provided that they’re reproduced accurately and the source acknowledged. The college logo or ‘shield’ shouldn’t be reproduced.

Viruses and security

We make every effort to check and test the material on our website for malicious software or ‘malware’.

However, we can’t accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, disruption or damage to your electronic device, or information contained on it, which may occur as a result of using material from our website. It’s always advisable to run an anti-virus program on any material downloaded from the internet.

If we receive an email with malicious software, it will be deleted automatically before it reaches our email system. Please be aware that if you’ve unintentionally sent us an email infected with malicious software, it won’t reach us.

Emails sent to and from us

When you send us an email, we’ll always try to reply in an acceptable period of time.

However, we also operate an anti-spam filtering system on all emails received. There’s no guarantee that proof of email submission by you is proof of email receipt by us. If you believe we may have misidentified your email as spam, please let us know via a different method.

If you receive an email that states or appears to be from us that is suspicious, please delete it without forwarding it on to anyone.

College Calendar

  • INSET day- Friday 14th February 2025
  • Y10 Parents Evening – Tuesday 25th February 2025
  • Y7 Parents Evening – Tuesday 29th April 2025
  • INSET day – Friday 27th June 2025
  • INSET day – Monday 21st July 2025
  • INSET day – Tuesday 22nd Juy 2025