Choosing Horizon Community College as the number one preference for your child means that they will:
• Access the best in terms of teaching, facilities, and curriculum;
• Succeed academically by being challenged in every lesson, every day;
• Become positive role models, ready to make the best of the opportunities society has to offer.
At Horizon, we will provide the following for your child:
• 100 state-of-the-art learning spaces;
• An average class size of 25 students;
• Subject-specific facilities, including 3 Art studios, 10 IT suites, 5 Performing Arts spaces, a whole block dedicated to Physical Education and our Horizon Theatre;
• A wider curriculum offer of Citizenship, Art, Engineering, Food, Graphics, Textiles, Dance, Drama, Music and Computing for all Key Stage 3 students, as well as the core subject curriculum of English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, Languages, Religious Education and PE;
• Expert subject-specialist teaching across all departments;
• A dedicated School Team for Year 7 with 17 staff (including form tutors) responsible for excellent pastoral care;
• A dedicated Year 7 section of the College, separate lunchtimes and bus services;
• A Year 7 Careers Curriculum and Personal Development passport, designed to support students’ wider education, inspire future aspirations and develop their cultural literacy;
• Extra-curricular opportunities including championship-winning Sports teams and Performing Arts groups, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, STEM club and 7 6 Enterprise project.
Meet the team

Assistant Principal
Personal Development

Miss Sheldon
Assistant Principal
Head of KS3 – Pastoral

Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Horizon Transition Journey 2023 - The Class of 2028
Welcome Booklet
Our Welcome Booklet is sent to all Y6 students on the day of placement to share a warm welcome to Horizon. This booklet hopefully answers some key questions at this exciting time and provides a start to the communication between families and Horizon during the transition from primary school to secondary school.
Welcome Postcard
We value the importance of communication, so keep an eye out for our welcome postcard, handwritten to each student to ensure we are keeping everyone informed.

Transition Email Address
To ensure easy communication between families and Horizon we have a dedicated transition email inbox (transition@horizoncc.co.uk) which is monitored daily by Mrs Malson, Assistant Principal, who will ensure a timely response to any of your queries.
We regularly send out our transition newsletter via e-mail to keep you updated.
Horizon Twitter
Horizon’s twitter feed (@horizon_cc) is updated daily with news from around the college and is a great way to experience life at Horizon. We will also post any transition information and share with primary schools who are also on twitter. Watch out for the #transition on our tweets!
Admission Form and Emails
We will email all families regularly over the next few months sharing news, introducing you to key members of staff, launching competitions and much more. We will use the email address that was used when families applied for their place in a secondary school. Our first email will include a link to our Admission Form. This form collects all important information about each student – emergency contacts, medical information etc – which is pivotal for us to ensure we can communicate with you effectively and keep your child safe whilst at Horizon.
Primary Visits
Between April and the end of the summer term, Miss Sheldon and Mrs Malson will be visiting Primary Schools to meet all Y6 students. Miss Sheldon and Mrs Malson will be answering any questions students may have to ensure they feel ready and excited to start at Horizon. They will also speak to key members of staff at each Primary School to ensure we have a thorough understanding of each individual student to ensure the transition from primary to secondary school is a smooth experience for all.
Mrs Proud (SENDCo) and Miss Ola-Craig (Safeguarding) will also be communicating with primary schools and visiting students to ensure all students have a familiar face who will be a key member of staff in their time at Horizon.
Transition day visit to Horizon
Every student will be invited to visit Horizon before the summer holidays. You will spend a day moving around one area of the college, experiencing lessons at Horizon and meeting new people.
The provisional dates are 7th and 10th July and we will be in touch with your primary school to organise these visits.
More information will come soon!
Parents Information EVENING
Key Links