
Maths Curriculum Intent
Mathematics increases students’ resilience for problem solving when they have limited information. It teaches them how to think and work systematically, critically analyse information and effectively communicate the steps within their thinking. Our curriculum adopts a ‘no tricks’ approach to teaching, developing a growth mindset: everybody can do mathematics. We aim to increase awareness and understanding of where the mathematics is used in the real world to enable our students to be ‘school ready, work, ready, life ready’.
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Number is interleaved throughout the five years. Number includes teaching students about numerical structure and calculation, fractions, decimals and percentages and measures and accuracy.
Algebra is interleaved throughout the five years. Algebra includes teaching student’s algebraic notation, vocabulary and manipulation, graphs, solving equations and inequalities and sequences.
Ratio, Proportion, and rates of change
Students begin to learn about proportion through calculating and using fractions and percentages. They are introduced to proportion in y8 and ratio in y9. Within this content the students are taught to use ratio notation, simplify ratios, and divide quantities using ratios. In y10 and y11 this content is linked to algebra and graphs to support students understand how to calculate rates of change e.g. gradient of a line.
Geometry and measures are interleaved throughout the five years. Within this content students are taught the properties of 2D and 3D shape and how to construct them. They are also taught how to calculate perimeter, area and volume of shape and use units of measurement. They learn about angle facts and bearings and when they reach KS4 they are introduced to Pythagoras and Trigonometry to calculate missing sides and angles in triangles.
Geometry and Measures
Probability is interleaved throughout the five years. In this are of maths students learn to apply their knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percentages to calculate likelihood and chance of events occurring both theoretically and experimentally. Students are taught how to use tables and diagrams such as sample space diagrams, tree diagrams and Venn diagrams to help them calculate independent and dependent events.
Statistics is interleaved throughout the five years. The core of the statistics content is to teach students both how to draw and interpret a variety of graphs and charts such as bar charts, pie charts and frequency polygons in ks3. In Ks4 students are introduced to cumulative frequency, box plots and histograms. Students are also taught about different types of data, sampling and the importance of bias.
Year 7
Number Sense
Algebraic Notation
2D Shape, Angles and Symmetry
Area and Perimeter
Rounding and Estimating
Data and Frequency Tables
3D Shape
Financial Awareness
• To calculate the annual cost of subscriptions and services
• To know and understand what constitutes the cost of living
• To be able to plan make financial decisions that take possible future events into account
• To be able to plan within a monthly budget
Year 8
Types of Number
Algebraic Expressions
Averages and Range
Fractions, Percentages and Decimals review
Angles, Polygons and Parallel Lines
Area and Perimeter
Constructions and Congruence
Volume and Surface Area
Financial Awareness
Year 9
Types of Number (Decimals and Indices)
• Know how to find LCM and HCF using Venn Diagrams.
• Know what HCF and LCM are and how to use them to solve problems.
• Know the definitions of multiples, factors, and prime numbers.
• Know the cube numbers from 1 - 6 and square numbers from 1 - 15.
• Know that square numbers can have both a positive and a negative root.
• Be able to multiply and divide by powers of 10 (inc. 10, 100, 1000, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)
• Understand decimal place value.
• Be able to convert large and small numbers to standard form and vice versa.
• Calculate with numbers in index form i.e. 43 + 52
• Be able to use a calculator.
• Round a number to the nearest whole number.
• Round a number to a given decimal place.
• Round a number to a given number of significant places.
• Use approximations to 1 significant figure to estimate answers.
Algebraic Expressions
• Be able to simplify an expression involving sums, products, and powers
• Expand a single and double bracket.
• Expand a bracket and simplify.
• Factorise a linear expression.
• Substitute values into expressions and equations
• Rearrange equations to change the subject of a formula
• Form an expression
• Form an equation to solve a problem.
• Recognise and calculate with algebra using index notation.
• Know the index laws for multiplication and division of powers with the same base.
• Understand direct proportion
• Solve problems involving direct and inverse proportion, understand a graphical representation of something in direct proportion.
• Use and convert standard units of mass, length, time, money and other measures (including standard compound measures) using decimal quantities where appropriate.
• Use a multiplier when solving problems involving direct proportion or proportional increase/decrease.
• Use comparisons to be able to identify best buys for multi-step problems. Including those where different combinations of deals can be used.
• Find the mean, median and mode from a list of data.
• Know when to use each average and why.
• Find the mode and median from frequency data.
• Find the mean from a frequency table.
• Find the mean, mode, median and range from a bar chart.
• Find the interval that contains the model group from grouped data.
• Find the interval that contains the median from grouped data.
• Find the estimated mean from grouped frequency data.
• Understand what a ratio means and its link to fraction notation.
• Understand what a ratio means and its link to proportion
• Simplify ratios and understand equivalence between ratios.
• Write a ratio from a worded problem.
• Simplify a 2 or 3 part ratio
• Write a ratio in the form 1: n and n: 1
• Divide a quantity into a 2 or 3 part ratio
• Use ratio notation to work out the whole amount shared (Part to whole).
• Use ratio to find a quantity when other quantities are known (part to part).
Area and Perimeter
• Use standard formulae to solve problems involving areas of parallelograms, triangles, trapezia, and compound shapes.
• Know and recognise the parts of circle.
• Know and apply the formulae for area of a circle.
• Know and apply the formulae for circumference of a circle.
• Work backwards in a circle problem to find the radius or the diameter.
• Solve a circle problem, leaving answers in terms of pi.
Frequency Diagrams
• Draw and interpret two-way tables
• Complete and interpret frequency trees
• Draw dual and composite bar charts
• Draw and interpret line graphs.
• Draw and interpret Venn Diagrams.
• Compare and contrast the same type of and different types of frequency diagram
• Interpret specific information from a frequency diagram including mode, total frequency, highest and lowest value etc.
• Know and find equivalent fractions.
• Simplify a fraction.
• Convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.
• Multiply fractions.
• Divide fractions.
• Find a fraction of an amount.
• Add and subtract proper, improper fractions and mixed numbers.
• Use a scientific calculator to calculate with fractions, both positive and negative.
Solving Equations
• Know the difference between an expression, an identity, and an equation.
• Write an expression and an equation.
• Expand two brackets and simplify. eg 2(x+4) - 3(x+2).
• Solve one and two step linear equations using 1 variable.
• Understand fractions or percentages as operators.
• Calculate a fraction or percentage of an amount.
• Write one amount as a fraction or percentage of another.
• Calculate a percentage change.
• Calculate a percentage increase or decrease.
• Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages and understand their equivalence.
• Know and understand the inequality symbols < ≤ > ≥ = ≡.:
• Find integer solutions to an inequality.:
• Solve a linear inequality.:
• Represent inequalities on a number line.
Pie Charts and Scatter Diagrams
• Understand that pie charts are used to show proportions.
• Use a template to construct a pie chart by scaling frequencies.
• Construct pie charts when the total frequency is not a factor of 360.
• Interpret data shown on in a pie chart.
• Plot a scatter diagram.
• Understand the meaning of ‘correlation’.
• Identify positive, negative and no correlation.
• Interpret a scatter diagram using understanding of correlation.
• Understand that correlation does not indicate causation.
• Construct a line of best fit on a scatter diagram.
• Use a line of best fit to estimate values.
• Know when it is appropriate to use a line of best fit to estimate values.
• Choose appropriate graphs or charts to represent data.
Linear Graphs
• Work with co-ordinates in all four quadrants.
• Draw the lines, y=x, y=-x, y=n and x=n and understand which lines are parallel to the axes.
• Draw a line in the format y=mx + c.
• Find the gradient of a straight line from the equation and graph.
• Deduce the equation of a straight line and write it in the form y=mx+c.
• Use the linear equation to identify parallel lines.
Scale Drawing, Nets and Plans and Elevations
• Understand what a scale factor is.
• Use scale factors to solve problems.
• Convert between miles and kilometres when given the conversion.
• Draw & interpret plans and elevations.
• Draw and identify nets of shapes.
• Identify 3D shapes from both picture and description.
• Find the Volume of a prism by counting squares and by calculation.
• Find the Volume of a cylinder.
• Solve problems involving Volume.
•Write probabilities in words, fractions, decimals and percentages and place these on a scale from 0 to 1.
• Compare the probabilities of events by comparing sizes of fractions, decimals, and percentages.
•Systematically list all outcomes for single and combined events.
•Use and draw sample space diagrams.
• Use theoretical models to include outcomes using dice, spinners, and coins.
Financial Awareness
• Understand the importance of their Credit Rating and how this affects their financial options.
• Understand that borrowing money costs interest and be able to calculate monthly interest charges.
• Understand that Buy Now Pay Later schemes and Store Cards are forms of credit which can lead to debt.
• Understand how Payday Loans work.
• Calculate interest charges on Payday Loans.
• Understand the dangers of falling into debt associated with gambling.
• Understand that probabilities when gambling are never favourable.
Types of Number
Algebraic Expressions
Area and Perimeter
Equations and Inequalities
Frequency Diagrams
Compound and Reverse Percentages
Pie Charts and Scatter Diagrams
Linear Graphs
Types of Data, Sampling and Bias
Bearings and Scale Drawings
Solving Simultaneous Equations
Financial Awareness
• Understand the importance of their Credit Rating and how this affects their financial options.
• Understand that borrowing money costs interest and be able to calculate monthly interest charges.
• Understand how to calculate tax
• Understand interest charges on Payday Loans
• Understand what a payslip looks like
• Understand the risks and rewards of investing
Year 10
Factors Multiples and Primes
Angles and Bearings
Compound Units
Similarity and Congruence
Factorising Quadratics
Surface Area and Volume
Linear and Quadratic Functions
Pythagoras’ Theorem
Fractions Decimals and Percentages
Financial Awareness
• Understand the importance of their credit rating and how this effects their financial options
• Understand what options available post-16 and the associated costs are
• Understand how to improve their credit score
• Understand the costs associated with buying a car
• Understand how job choices and financial status affect mental health
Quadratic Sequences
Trigonometric ratios
Standard Form
Cumulative Frequency and Box Plots
Similarity and Congruence
Solving Quadratics by Factorising
Compound Units and Real Life Graphs
Circle Theorems
Linear and Quadratic functions
Surface Area and Volume
Conditional Probability
Simplifying algebraic Fractions
Financial Awareness
• Be able to understand the real-life cost of renting a property.
• Understand what a mortgage is and what interest rates mean.
• Understand how a student loan works, on be able to work out what sort of support they can get at university.
• Work out the cost of financing a car. Students will understand the different payment options available to them.