Personal development at Horizon Community College extends the curriculum beyond the expected academic, technical and vocational and provides our students with opportunities to develop passion, talent and interests. We believe in providing rich experiences of exceptional quality, in the curriculum and through a full range of extra-curricular activities, that considerably strengthen the character and education of our students. We support learners in developing their character including their resilience, confidence and independence, ensuring they know how to stay physically and mentally healthy throughout. At every stage of our students’ journey, we provide an outstanding programme of careers and enterprise, preparing students for further education and next steps, ensuring students are work ready. In turn, students are prepared for life in modern Britain within all subject areas but additionally through an in-depth programme of citizenship and tutor period debate. 

College monthly Newspaper

Meet the team

Mrs Malson

Associate Vice Principal – Personal Development

Careers Lead

Mr Irving

Assistant Principal –  Student Engagement

Character Education

At Horizon we actively promote good behaviour and positive character traitsWe believe all students should strive to be positive role models who demonstrate and embrace our Core Values at every opportunityIn the classroom all students are encouraged to reflect on and develop their ‘Character in the Classroom’ ensuring that all students have high expectations for themselves, take responsibility and ownership for their learning and have a growth mindset. 

Citizenship & RE

Our citizenship and RE programmes ensures the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of all students and prepares them for the opportunities and experiences of later life.  Alongside this dedicated time, SMSC is integral within all subject areas and through form time debate. 

Cultural Literacy

All students are prepared for life in modern day Britain with a clear understanding and appreciation of diversity and cultural differences. At Horizon Community College we drive an inclusive environment for all where students are educated in historical and popular cultural to ensure a successful transition into work and life.

Throughout the year we celebrate and broaden students awareness of key events including: 

  • European Day of Languages 

  • Black History Month 

  • World Mental Health Day 

  • Remembrance Day 

  • Anti-bullying week 

  • Pride month 

  • Earth Day 

  • My money week including the £1 business challenge 

  • Safer Internet events 

Form Period

Every child participates in form period, either at the start or end of each school day. This supports their personal development journey and ensures they really are school ready; work ready; life ready. A timetable of activities, outlined below, triangulates national campaigns, global current affairs and local initiatives to ensure our students have a comprehensive understanding of the world around them.

The form tutor is a significant adult in our students’ daily life. They are the first point of contact for our students and parents. They are a positive role model who ensures students are school ready, checking they have the correct uniform and the necessary equipment to be successful in their learning. The form tutor ensures effective communication, whilst delivering activities to promote our College core values, develop outstanding Character in the Classroom and embed British Values. They are also the person who encourage students’ to take full advantage of the college’s wide-ranging enrichment programme and celebrate their successes as they expand their horizons and develop as young citizens.

A student’s weekly form period includes:

· An assembly, which brings the full year group together in the college theatre. This is used to celebrate collective success, praise students for their academic achievements, for effort in their studies, engagement in college life and outstanding attendance. Across the year, themed assemblies also highlight and explore national events, such as International Women’s Day, Remembrance, Earth Week and LGBTQ+ awareness, each supported by our Student Leaders and linked to our core values and wider British Values

· The student bulletin, so that students are fully informed about the day to day life of the college, events they can take part in and our monthly core value focus.

· ‘Votes for Schools’, providing them with the opportunity to discuss and debate issues that affect them as citizens of the world. Topics this year, for example, have included: Will the future feel different to the second Elizabethan era? Should we be worried about vaping? Should everyone be able to vote at 16? This aspect of form period not only helps to develop students’ speaking and listening skills, their confidence and their ability to think critically, it also ensures they really understand concepts such as British Values and Prevent and the importance of their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Supporting Local, National and International Causes

All students are equipped to be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to societyStudents are given the opportunity to get involved in many of our community projects including litter-picking in the local area and fundraising for various local and national charities.  This year we are proud to be supporting LimbBo Foundation, Macmillan Cancer Research, Barnsley Hospice, Comic Relief, Children In Need and Christmas Hampers to support the elderly in our community.

Student Council

“Every child has the right to express their views on matters that affect them, and for those views to be taken into consideration” (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).

The Student Council consists of 15 members which consists of three students from each year group.

The aim of the student council is to involve students in decisions that impact them. The Council allows students to gain belief in their own capabilities and the opportunity to express views, influence decisions and develop networks.

The student council consult across all four areas of the College: Quality of Education, Standards and Behaviour, Leadership and Management and Personal Development. Students each work within a specific area, regularly meeting with Senior Leaders to discuss and plan the future of the College.

The Student Council meet half termly, they discuss the suggestions made through whole College student voice exercises and suggestions made in the student voice boxes. As part of their student leadership role, the student council will also be provided with training to improve their confidence and presentation skills.


Student Ambassadors & Sports Leaders

Student leadership at Horizon  provides exciting opportunities for pupils to gain valuable experience and skills and to be involved in the running of their school.

Student Ambassador

At Horizon Community College our aim is to ensure students are: School Ready; Work Ready; Life Ready.

The Student Ambassador Programme was created to provide students with an opportunity to play an active role in everything that is Horizon. At present we have 65 Student Ambassadors across the 5 schools.

Each team of Ambassadors have a different area that they are responsible for supporting with: information evenings, meeting and greeting guests, departmental tasks and supporting events lead through the Careers and Enterprise team.

Becoming a Student Ambassador enables selected students to develop their personal and interpersonal skills including: communication, organisation, problem solving and teamwork.

Our Ambassadors are friendly, helpful and are positive role models. They wear the college uniform with pride, make the right choices and are easily identifiable with their green badges.


Sports Leaders

Students in Year 9 can apply to become Sports Leaders. Students train to plan and lead a range of activities for younger students. They develop communication skills, confidence and understanding of how to plan and lead safe and engaging sports activities. Once students have practiced with their peers they work in Year 7 lessons, at after school clubs and organise and run sports events for Primary School students.


At Horizon, our enrichment offer ensures that all students have the opportunity to develop their interests and passions beyond the classroom.  All students are encouraged to participate in our enrichment offer from the day they start at Horizon, ensuring all students benefit not just from our academic and pastoral support, but also physical and mental well-being. 

We offer lunchtime activities, inter form competitions and a vast array of activities at the end of the day covering all subject areas.  These activities range from chess club, Dance clubs, sporting clubs, Portuguese club and many more. 

Our trips and visits offer goes from strength to strength with visits to enhance the curriculum but also visits/trips to experience the world around us.   

Students in Y9 and Y10 have the opportunity to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.  This opportunity gives students the chance to gain new skills and improve on those they have already developed. It allows students to build confidence, independence, resilience, teamwork – all skills needed to be life ready and work ready. The Duke of Edinburgh award is held in high regard by colleges, universities and empowers ensuring all the effort applied by our students will not go unnoticed in the future.

Careers & Enterprise

All students are provided with an outstanding curriculum of careers and enterprise throughout their journey from Y7-11 at Horizon, ensuring that all are work ready and life ready. 

We are proud of the personal development offer we have in place at Horizon, and we are in the process of having this recognised by completing the nationally recognised Excellence in Pupil Development Award.  We expect this to be accredited during the 2024-2025 school year. 

College Calendar

  • INSET day- Friday 14th February 2025
  • Y10 Parents Evening – Tuesday 25th February 2025
  • Y7 Parents Evening – Tuesday 29th April 2025
  • INSET day – Friday 27th June 2025
  • INSET day – Monday 21st July 2025
  • INSET day – Tuesday 22nd Juy 2025