Students Representing Horizon

In November two of our Anne Frank Ambassadors were invited to the Belonging Network Annual Conference: Building Resilient Communities

As part of the midday plenary, they took part in a panel alongside other young ambassadors and youth leaders from Anne Frank Trust, Solutions Not Sides and Youth Sport Trust. They were helping the conference to answer the question ‘How can we support the bridge builders of the future?’

Roya Namigli and Ella Buckley presented to the conference about their work with the Trust and took part in group discussions with businesspeople and other delegates to discuss the barriers they face when challenging prejudice. The audience were very keen to hear from young people and their work with The Anne Frank Trust, we are proud of this and how they presented themselves on the day.

Important Information

Dear Parents/Carers

Please note the College is open today and Year 11 will be expected on site for their Mock Examinations. However, for Years 7 to 10, if you cannot get your child to school safely today, then please ensure that they access remote learning via Teams. For safeguarding purposes, please email in to if your child is not going to be in and will be accessing Teams.

Any child who accesses Teams remotely today will receive a present attendance mark of a B code (educated off-site). If your child does not access Teams then they will be classified as absent Please note that attendance codes will be updated throughout the day.

Mrs Huddart


College Calendar

  • Tuesday 12th December – 14th December – School Show
  • Tuesday 16th January – Y8 Parents Evening
  • Tuesday 6th February – Y11 Parents Evening 2
  • Tuesday 27th February – Y9 Parents Evening
  • Tuesday 16th April – Y10 Parents Evening
  • Tuesday 30th April – Y7 Parents Evening
