Choosing Horizon Community College as your number one preference for your child means that they will: 

  • Access an ambitious curriculum that will develop a love of learning, equip them with the skills, knowledge and cultural capital they need to access aspirational post 16 pathways and the responsibilities and experiences of later life. 
  • Be taught by dedicated teaching staff who are specialists in their subject area. 
  • Learn in outstanding facilities where children are taught in ‘classrooms for the future’. 
  • Succeed academically by being challenged in every lesson, every day. 
  • Become positive role models, ready to make the best of the opportunities society has to offer.  


At Horizon Community College, we will provide the following for your child: 

  • An average class size of 25 students. 
  • A programme of study consisting of 18 subjects. At the heart is Ebacc: English (Language and Literature), Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French or Spanish. Students also study Physical Education, Religious Education, Computing and Citizenship, as well as a wide range of creative subjects including; Art, Resistant Materials, Cooking and Nutrition, Graphics, Textiles, Dance, Drama and Music.  
  • A dedicated Pastoral Team of 20 staff (including; Form Tutors, Student Learning Officer, Student Wellbeing, Assistant Head of Year, Head of Year, Deputy Head of Lower School and Head of Lower School).  
  • Extensive lunch time and after College enrichment programme, providing students with the opportunity to develop passion, talent and interests.  
  • Support to develop character and build resilience ensuring they know how to stay physically and mentally healthy. 
  • Careers and enterprise opportunities, preparing them for life in modern Britain through an in depth programme of Citizenship and Form Period debate.  
  • A culture of reading for power, where they are exposed to a range of texts, authors, opportunities and competitions. 
  • Outstanding reading interventions tailored to their individual needs. 

Meet the team

Miss Sheldon

Assistant Principal

Head of Lower School


Associate Vice Principal



Associate Vice Principal

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Horizon Transition Journey 2025 - The Class of 2030

Welcome Booklet

Our Welcome Booklet is sent to all Y6 students on the day of placement to share a warm welcome to Horizon. This booklet hopefully answers some key questions at this exciting time and provides a start to the communication between families and Horizon during the transition from primary school to secondary school.


Transition Journey

In order to place your child on roll and provide them with the best possible start. We kindly ask you to create your ‘APPLICCA’ account using the login detail sent to you. 

From here you will be able to complete the compulsory student data/transition form.

Welcome Postcard

We value the importance of communication, so keep an eye out for our welcome postcard to each student to ensure we are keeping everyone informed.

Transition Email Address

To ensure easy communication between families and Horizon we have a dedicated transition email inbox transition@horizoncc.co.uk which is monitored by Miss Sheldon, Assistant Principal, who will ensure a timely response to any of your queries.


We regularly send out our transition newsletter via e-mail to keep you updated.

Primary Visits

Between April and the end of the summer term, Miss Sheldon will be visiting Primary Schools to meet all Y6 students. Miss Sheldon will be answering any questions students may have to ensure they feel ready and excited to start at Horizon. She will also speak to key members of staff at each Primary School to ensure we have a thorough understanding of each individual student to ensure the transition from primary to secondary school is a smooth experience for all.

Mrs Proud (SENDCo) and Miss Ola-Craig (Safeguarding) will also be communicating with primary schools and visiting students to ensure all students have a familiar face who will be a key member of staff in their time at Horizon.

Transition day visit to Horizon

Every student will be invited to visit Horizon before the summer holidays. You will spend one day moving around one area of the college, experiencing lessons at Horizon and meeting new people.

Your transition day will be either Friday 4th July OR Wednesday 9th July. Your allocated day will be confirmed soon.

Parents Information EVENING

We would like to invite our future students and their families to Horizon on Thursday 5th June (Time to be confirmed). Here you will meet key staff and hear important information about joining Horizon. This will include information about start date and time, uniform requirements, daily equipment, how to purchase food and drinks, the curriculum studied and the wealth of personal development opportunities available to every child. More information will be emailed to families closer to the time and we look forward to meeting you on this evening.

Welcome booklet


College Day 2024 onwards

Horizon FoodHub Menu

Uniform Requirements

Horizon Twitter

Extra Curricular Activities


Bus Timetables

Transition Day(TBC)

Transition Map

Transition Evening Video (TBC)

HCAT Transition Policy

Contact Us

College Calendar

  • INSET day- Friday 14th February 2025
  • Y10 Parents Evening – Tuesday 25th February 2025
  • Y7 Parents Evening – Tuesday 29th April 2025
  • INSET day – Friday 27th June 2025
  • INSET day – Monday 21st July 2025
  • INSET day – Tuesday 22nd Juy 2025