Horizon Community College has a rapidly-growing, significant and diverse EAL student population, which is a new trend within Barnsley MBC. Our ethos promotes a welcoming, inclusive, safe and stress-free environment within College and the students’ bilingualism (and sometimes multilingualism) is recognised as a positive part of their intellectual development.

We provide additional opportunities for the students to use their home language to support their learning and development of English together with promoting British Values.

If you would like to know more about our EAL offer, or you are a school EAL lead and would like support developing your provision then contact


  1. We will offer frequent events to support partner schools to develop an inclusive EAL offer.
  2. We will signpost resources so that schools can integrate best practice into their EAL student provision.
  3. We will offer opportunities for consultation, to support sustained implementation of best practice.


Horizon Community College will offer termly events for both families and partner schools, providing guidance in:

  • Induction: ensuring that students and their families understand the English school system, the curriculum offer that EAL students will have access to, and the wider support that can be obtained from both the school and the local community.
  • Inclusion: supporting students and their families to make the most of their school offer, including Personal Development and Enrichment opportunities, identifying how student-specific interventions can take place.
  • Integration: providing students and their families with information for long-term involvement in the local and wider community. This potentially includes involvement with local groups, Post-16 opportunities and understanding the history and heritage of the surrounding area.

Information about these events, including dates and times, will be provided via e-mail to schools in the local area.


Horizon Community College’s EAL team uses the resources of two organisations to support EAL provision:

The Bell Foundation

We make use of the Bell Foundation’s EAL Assessment Framework to determine a students’ proficiency in English and create bespoke support documentation that informs teachers of the best way to support a particular student in lesson. Alongside this, the Bell Foundation themselves provide subject-specific resources to support English development as students follow their curriculum. More information can be found at

Flash Academy

To assess a students’ proficiency in English and provide activities to support the improvement of their proficiency, we use Flash Academy, an online platform that helps students learn English based on their level of understanding. To support access to this, those EAL students who are digitally disadvantaged are provided with a device loan to support their English development outside of the classroom. More information can be found at

Exemplar resources from both organisations can be found on the EAL Champion School section of the Horizon Community College website.

dents’ proficiency in English and create bespoke support documentation that informs teachers of the best way to support a particular student in lesson. Alongside this, the Bell Foundation themselves provide subject-specific resources to support English development as students follow their curriculum. More information can be found at

Lesson Resources

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 9

Lesson 10


To arrange support with your school’s EAL offer, an initial discussion will function as a needs analysis so that support is bespoke and therefore more likely have the greatest impact for your school. To aid the structure of the discussion, please complete the form linked below and a member of the team will be in touch.

Initial Contact form

College Calendar

  • INSET day- Friday 14th February 2025
  • Y10 Parents Evening – Tuesday 25th February 2025
  • Y7 Parents Evening – Tuesday 29th April 2025
  • INSET day – Friday 27th June 2025
  • INSET day – Monday 21st July 2025
  • INSET day – Tuesday 22nd Juy 2025